Another friend same age as me too, is sufferring from a nerve system sickness. 3 years ago he was in the pink of health, carried weights, muscle bodied, strong and handsome. Now his health is deteriorating, 2 years ago his speech become slurry and his movements become slower, till now eventually, his body become thinner, his speech becomes incomprehensible, he walks with a limp, now in a wheelchair, and doctors give him 1 year to live. Recently sent him off to China, he said for treatment and probably that's the last time I will see him.
One of my closes friends, "hero" will call him, "sayur" dan "obat" semua jalan terus, had a very good wife, and 2 children. DRC 3 times already. I remembered a few years ago I was in his house, and he had an argument with his wife. His wife ask, "Pilih aku dan anak-anak kau, atau pergi ambik "obat" sampai mati?"... he responded "Aku takkan pilih korang, obat aku, hidup aku!"... with that dia jatuhkan talak... (first time I heard these words being use). I brought him out, and f@#ck him up, and tried reason with him. "Apa kau buat ni?".... Now he's in jail, caught for selling drugs. His wife called me a few years ago, needs $50 to buy milk for her baby. Never heard from them since.
Met another best friend of mine, a few months ago too. When young he was given away by his real parents. He doesn't know who his parents are. So during our school days, I would follow him to macpherson area to ask the people there about who and where is his mother. Eventually tracked her at Bedok, at a terrace house. At the gate, called out his mother's name, a lady came out at the balcony of the second story house. "My name is Omar, are you my mother?" he asked... she replied "Aku takde anak, pergi.. pergi!". Till today (20 years later), he would hang around Bedok there, just to catch a glimpse of her, and he vowed not to get married, until the day his mother acknowledge him. He is alone, no family at all, live in a rented room, still longing for his mother to say "ye, akulah ibu kau".
Sorry to sound melancholic, but while looking at school children, I couldn't help thinking about some my friends... friends who played police and thief with me, a time where there were no worries, no remorse and no regrets. As time progress, our life changed too. I have my own struggles, but nothing when compared to my buddies are going through.
To my friends, Zul, Halim, Omar, Aim and the rest of the macpherson gang... "kita tangkap lentok kat rocket ok... kita happy sampai pagi"