On monday, the spasm was the worst, and finally went to the doctor. Describe to him what I felt, and he understands how it felt, because he had experienced it before. Kidney Stones. Thats what he said I had. My urine test revealed a moderate blood count in it, but luckily there's no infection. Went for the scan (very funny, exactly like the scan for pregnant woman). Right kidney, perfect health, while left kidney, some white spots, meaning stones. The doctor calm me down, and said its common for 30 above males to get it. The remedy - drink 2 litres of pure water, which is worst than medicine to me, I hate plain water, make me sick drinking it.
Before you all start telling me "See, Eat so much, see what happens". It got nothing to do with diet or overeating. Some causes includes, not drinking enough water, genetics, gout and in some cases, there's actually no known causes.
The doctor gave me some packets of citric powder to dissolve in plain water, and painkiller pills. Got 2 days MC, got home start drinking plain water, and the pain never came back eversince. I know the stones are still inside me, and hopefully it will flow out one day. Talk to some guys at work, and found out some of them had them before, even my boss had them, and all had the same advice - Drink lots of water!...... damnit! I'm gonna miss pepsi and coke....
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