Monday, March 27, 2006
Sunday, March 26, 2006
As for me, if not for my kidney feeling like its going to explode, I would have played more than 10 minutes...hehehe. But heck its my blog and write what I want to... I've played the best game of my life, scoring a hat trick, 30 thousand spectators at the St.James stadium cheering for me........"
Saturday, March 25, 2006
School and Weddings.

Iman says "Iman sekarang dah improve banyak tau, kita punya malay test kita dapat 9/10, dan spelling pun dah boleh dapat banyak betul. Kita sukalah pergi sekolah, sampai hari sabtu dan minggu pun kita merengek nak pergi sekolah. Tapi bila balik sekolah, kalau abah tanya kita belajar apa kat sekolah, kita suka cakap 'What Donno!'....hehehe."
3X says "6 weddings videos to edit. 3 nieces and 3 close friends. Chinese wedding also have. My friend Man's wedding (bride and groom orang melayu) dibuat 2 hari kat hotel seh, very high budget, potong kek dengan pedang, very westernised theme, I told him at least adakan kompang ke pe nampak melayu sikit. For the chinese wedding, I blurr rabak, don't know what they all talking about, so I edit a bit hantam but it turn out ok. Yang lagi satu indian muslim couples pulak, so sedara semua macam bollywood actor and actresses, tapi samalah dengan culture melayu. Would you believe it, Odah punya still doing, dah anak satu pun belum habis..hehehe, actually dah habis tapi dia nak tambah lagi sikit at the end. Munirah punya pun masih in production, pasal tape dia in VHS-C format, so nak kena cari playernya.
It's fun doing wedding videos because everyone's happy. Anxious grooms, beautiful brides, lots of foods, relatives and friends all around. Although I don't get paid for doing this, but the happy feeling inside is a much better reward."
Friday, March 24, 2006
yeah right....
This award is for being the most popular male artist (not best vocals). If you think about it, the winner is only popular in his country (which has a very small population), and I don't think he can make it in other country. While the other one, comes from a big country, and even have fans in the small country. And if you do the math and ratio, I guess the one who comes from the big country will surely be more popular than the one from the small country.... (am I right?). So what is the award based on? recording artiste judges or votes from people?... I have my doubts.
I would have like to support the winner, but its just not right... as Simon Cowell would say "Completely and utter rubbish!".
I am not typing any titles or names, for fear of people doing a net search and reading this entry. Sometimes opinion are better said when not recognised.
Anyway found a video of Mw doing silat at youtube, quite hilarious"
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Educational TV
Friday, March 17, 2006
Tanjung Piai
Wakdir ajak kita orang naik ferri ke Taman Negara di Pulau Kukup. Harga seorang cuma rm5 aje. Seronok jugaklah dapat naik feri, tapi tak jauh sangat dekat aje, 10 minit dah sampai ke pulau tu. Kat pulau tu kan, kita naik suspension bridge tinggi sekali. Kak Atiqa kelakarlah dia selalu nervous aje... hehehe macam Iman jugak. Kat pulau kita jalan dalam hutan, baguslah very educational. Bermacam pokok dan binatang kecil yang terdapat di situ.
Sampai kat tengah pulau, kita naik tower yang tinggi nya 6 tingkat. Di atas.. foooyoh!! luas kehijau-hijauan permandangan pokok-pokok di bawah. Kita tak penat tau, kita naik dengan Wakdir lepas tu dengan Abah pulak.
Setelah jalan sejauh 1.2km (600m pergi balik) kami tunggu ferri untuk membawa kita ke Kelong pulak. Wah seronoklah kat atas kelong tu, bermacam-macam ikan yang besar-besar yang mereka pelihara. Ada satu ikan tu berharga rm40 sekilo, dan beratnya adalah 3kg, bermakna harganya rm120. Puas tu kalau makan. Wakdir pegang anak Ikan Yu, kita takutlah pasal mulutnya sentiasa nak gigit orang. Mama dia suka kat kelong, dia cakap "the happiest time of her life!"...hehehe
Nadhirah says "Setelah penat kita berjalan-jalan dan ambik gambar di Pulau dan Kelong, feri tu membawa kita balik ke Kukup. Perut pun dah start bergelora, tekak pun dah haus, so kita makan kat restoran Zaiton Hussin. Kat sana kiri-kanan semua restoran. Tapikan kita makan nasi goreng aje, pasal tengah-hari selalunya kata tak makan banyak.
Kami menetap sehari semalam di Tanjung Piai Resort. Jauhnya kurang-kurang 9km dari Kukup. Chaletnya berada di atas lautan, kena jalan jembatan untuk ke bilik resort tu. Bilik kami bersebelahan dan dinding rumahnya kayu tipis, so kita main pekik-pekik dengan Kak Atiqa...hehehe. Di sini takdelah shopping centre atau kedai, jadi very peacefullah tempatnya. Permandangan laut luas kat depan, boleh nampak 3 negeri, Singapore, Malaysia dan Indonesia. Abah dia favourite tinggal tempat macam gini, pasal dia paling tak suka holiday tempat sibuk traffic atau tempat shopping.
Di Tanjung Piai pun ada Taman Negara jugak, dan disinilah tempat yang paling terbawah di Asia. Kena jalanlah untuk masuk dalam hutan, tapi kerana kita dah kepenatan sebelumnya dah jalan jauh kat Pulau Kukup, kami jalan ke Jeti aje. Wow!!! luas nya pantai lumpur kat situ. Bersih jugak takde sampah, dan terdapat banyak mudskipper kat pantai lumpur tu.Juliana says "Pada malam harinya kita makan di Kukup lagi tapi tak sampai hujung. Kat situ kita makan sotong goreng, chap cai, ayam goreng... kena rm41. Kira ok jugaklah untuk kita anak beranak makan. Wakdir semua makan mee aje, tapikan lepas tu dia cari prata pulak. Sebelum masuk balik ke resort, nasib baik jumpa kedai roti chanai. Wakdir happylah, bungkus balik dan kita makan ramai-ramai kat chalet di bawah bulan mengambang. Tiupan angin fooooohhh punyalah sedap, kalau tidur kat luar ni syoklah.
Yati says " Esoknya kita makan prata lagi di Serkat (sebelum Kukup). Terimakasih Kaketon belanja kita makan. Kat situ semua kedai jual ikan, kalau kita nak barbeque di resort tu senanglah kita boleh beli barang-barang nya. Selepas makan kita balik resort. Semasa berjalan masuk, ada monyet kejar kita pasal juliana dan iman tengah pegang makanan. Atiqa dan budak-budak semua berlari elak dengan monyet tu. Si Iman kelakar seh lagi sikit masuk longkang pasal nak lari dari monyet....hehehehe. Sorry Iman, Mama tak boleh savekan Iman, pasal Mama pun penakut jugak, Abah pun macam nak cabut.
Lepas tu kita jalan tepi laut sejauh 3600km pergi ke Taman Negara. Sepanjang jalan tu ada jumpa ular, monyet, sungai dan pokok-pokok. Syok jugaklah dapat exercise dengan udara fresh tepi pantai. Tepi sepanjang perjalanan, ada banyak pokok dan daun yang kunang-kunang suka makan, kalau malam hari mesti jadi christmas tree bila firefly menyala.3X says " Selepas checkout - kita pergi ke muzium bugis. Kat situ bermacam-macam information mengenai orang-orang bugis. Family tree foooh! complete set. Bukan bedek punya, semua official family tree, tapi I dan abang kadir tak jumpa pulak Pengulu Bachok dan Penghulu Sapir, keturunan lain kot. Dan kat situ pun ada banyak barang-barang antik yang digunakan oleh orang bugis. Dan juga ada benda tajam untuk sula orang, tak tahu pulak benda tu pernah digunakan.
Tanjung Piai ni untuk sesiapa yang suka dengan alam semulajadi.... Back to nature. So kalau sesiapa berminat untuk memancing, barbeque, bermalam di atas laut, kami sedia membawa ke sini. Rm80 = SGD35 aje untuk semalam, dan petrol rm20 dah boleh untuk pergi balik. Jangan expect shopping centres atau five star bilik, tu semua tak main, mana lagi nak dapat tidur atas laut.... priceless.
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Quirky Couple

Nur Zetty & Iskandar
And there's one thing that cracks me up when I look at Eti, is when she smile... or try to smile. Its like someone points a gun at her, and demand "Smile at me now!!!"... hehehe, but don't worry you still look fabulous with that smile.
So to my dearest niece and new nephew - "Stay quirky, eat well, make many-many babies and live prosper together-gether". -3X
Friday, March 10, 2006
Let's spare a thought...
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Video Blogging
Once you captured already, if using (1) DV-cam - capture using firewire to your PC, but beware, the file size will be very big, (2) Digital camera - simply copy and paste the file from your memory stick to your hard-disk. The file will usually be either WMV8 (Avi) or Mpeg4 (Divx). Usually your digital camera will come with the software to edit, usually Ulead.
Then you can upload to as taught by Very easy. It will give you the URL to put at your blog, instructions can be found at Tamanbahasa blog.
My method is more tedious, as I encode the final edited file to Flash 8 using Macromedia Flash MX, too make the file size really small and host it at imageshack, the reason I do this is, I like to keep it private and not open to public. But imageshack will only allow 1mg of filesize, which is fine by me, because I will only put 1min video for the blog. Internet streaming is still too slow, so the longer the video - the bigger the file and the longer the wait for it to stream, and I don't like waiting. The videos I placed in my blog, if you noticed are all 1 min only. Don't think 1 min is too short, think about advertisements on TV, how it can capture the viewers attention in such a short span of time.
So get your cameras out, capture all your precious moments, and looking forward to seeing your videos. Any other queries you can still email me.