What was memorable, was not the free food, but the sight of him seating there everyday alone while waiting for the students to buy his food. He have this same look like mak, solemn yet sereene look, sort of a look that is analysing people but silently.I was and still am, a complete dumbass when it comes to family hierachy or relations, so that time I was not aware he was mak's brother, all along I thought he was just our neighbour in the kampong.
Well remembering all this, I suddenly felt the urge to see him one last time. Called office say that I'm taking urgent leave, and change route from CTE to PIE Jurong heading towards Pusara Aman. Arrived there 9:30am and waited for the convoy to arrive. About an hour later they arrived, and immediately recognise some familiar faces, mostly from kampong days. Stayed throughout the ceremony and managed to see his face when the cloth was uncovered in the grave. Sebak dada for a while, but have to suppress sadness, cannot shed a tear in front of people.
After the ceremony, brought Kak Long, Kak Idah, Kak Minah and Faiz, whom I met earlier, to mak's kubur, and we stayed there for a while under the scorching afternoon sun. Later drove all of them to Jurong Point."
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