Anakin will stop Mace Windu from killing the Emperor, then he kill Jedis, even young, small Jedis, then he kill the Separatist (Trade Federation), then he tried to strangle Padme (his wife), and finally he fights with ObiWan at the Volcano planet, then during the fight, ObiWan cut both his legs and hands, then Anakin kena burnt by the lava, until his whole body "chow-tar". The Emperor came to save him.
Chewbacca and the Wookies will fight along with Yoda at Planet Mustafa, which is a very nice beach, but when the Emperor give command "Execute Order 66" all the Clone Warriors turn against all the Jedis and kill them all.
Then Padme died during childbirth, but before that she get to named her children. Luke and Leia, who we now know as Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia.
General Grievous will have 4 hands, so he will fight with 4 lightsabers against ObiWan, and after a chase, ObiWan use Blaster to shoot him,
hmmm... what else huh?.... basically all those from Episode 1 and Episode 2 dies, except for Obiwan and Yoda, and C3PO and R2D2... so if you still haven't watch it, don't have to watch already.... khehehehe....."
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