Anyway, the usual scare tactics like "you weren't there when the trouble happens...". And if there's a new "king" in town, the country will be in total chaos - nobody will survive - everyone will die!!!... yeah right. Isn't this just pure speculation? If there's a new king, it will be an evil stepmother. Aren't there no good people left in this world? The question should be "What if there is a BETTER "king"!, the old "king" is just interested in hoarding all the money. What if the new "king" is more generous, more giving, more humane... wouldn't the village people be more happier. I guess that's what the villagers are thinking - "It could be better than what it is now... it could happen.".
This typical scare tactics are getting lame, "stick with me, and you will live, go with them and you will die a horrible death"... Come on!.... say I, my brain isn't a one-way-dead-end lane. For once I like to hear any "kings" admits "Yes we are scaring so that you come with me!" - no denials whatsoever.
You created papers that cost tens-of-thousands of dollars each that will entitled the local pheasants to own a carriage. You created homes like small pigeon holes and make the people pay ridiculous amounts of gold in order for them to live in it. Costs for basic living essentials like "fire" and "water" costs so much that when you shower, the phrase "money down the drain" takes on a whole new meaning.
The old "king" did mentioned frankly, that if a particular village voted for him, the upgrading of their huts will be prioritised. So in saying this, votes are actually for the benefit of his "castle people" and not necessary for the common villager. And he said his son, who is heir to the throne (literally), has his own mind. I think if he really has his own mind, he wouldn't be doing what his father is doing... am I right?
My village will be in contest this time, so there's no question if I want all the kings horses and all the kings men to be my charge. Frankly I don't know what the other would-be "kings" are, neither what they can offer or do for me. And its ok, because neither do I know what the "castle people" are doing for me. All I know they are making me give my gold to them all the time. I think its about time somebody else besides the castle people have a say about the villager's reserve bank account.
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