3X says "What have I done?!?!... That's what I've said to myself when I tried to cut Iman's hair. A day before, yati cut his hair, and it didn't turn out right, so then I tried to cut it short and make it right... wrong decision... it turns out to be a disaster... somehow it got shorter and shorter and even worst and some parts were so short that you can see the skin... so we decided to shave it all off."

Yati says "Out of panic, we called Abang Ram to ask for advice, and he said its ok to shave it off, but it's easier if we have clippers, which we didn't have. After an hour, father and son in the toilet, the father trying to shave it all off, but after 3 shaving blades, he gave up, and his head turns out looking like a map, sporadic hair everywhere."

Juliana says "Next day, Iman skipped school because of the state of his hair. Abah don't know what else to do, so Mama called Wak Saadon to ask for help. So after school we all went to Wak Saadon house, who shaved off all Iman's hair using electric clippers, which took only 10 mins. Abah was so relief to see Iman's head, he was so guilt ridden the whole day."

Iman says "I look like Mawi... yeah!!! Kalau jumpa Iman jangan terperanjat ok!"

Nadhirah says "Semasa kita berada di rumah Wak Don, mereka dapat pangillan talipon, Wak Sah tengah sakit tenat. Dia sudah seminggu tak makan dan minum, dan tak boleh bergerak lagi. Setelah buka puasa, Wak Don dan Wak Ramlah bergegas ke rumah Wak Sah... bila kami sampai rumah, dapat pangillan talipon, Wak Sah sudah pergi...
Semoga Tuhan Mencucuri Rahmat ke-atas Rohnya"
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