First of all, just to let you know, we have been robbed before in Malaysia. It happened in Sogo, KL. We were getting back to the car at the underground carpark. A few metres before reaching the car, I saw this guy behind my proton saga (my previous car). The car boot was opened, and he was rummaging through our stuffs. I didn't shout at him, and just looked at him when I was nearer. Immediately when he saw me, he closed the boot, and put his hands in his pockets. Seeing this, I didn't do anything, as I was afraid he would take out a knife (or any weapon) and use it against us. My children was with me, so I fear for their life, and just let him run away. After he ran a few metres away from us, I then gave chase, all over the shopping mall, with people pointing to his direction, until I reached a dark stairway. I stopped chasing, thinking its not worth it.
Getting back to the car, we realised that he have been going through our stuff from the dashboard all the way to the boot. Our things were scattered all over the car floor and he must have a lot of time doing this. Luckily, I always keep my valuables - digital and video cameras, credit-cards, passport, laptops, underneath the seats, so nothing was stolen. He must be damn fedup going through our dirty clothes, and getting some coins only. Anyway on the way out at the payment counter, I reported the incidence to the people there, and their response was hilarious, "Abang tak payahlah report kat polis, abang report kat RTM bagus, kat sini tiap-tiap hari jadi macam gini."... and he wasn't joking.. hehe.
Anyway, that incident did not deter me at all from travelling there or change my perspective of Malaysia. I didn't blame their people, their police, their government or the whole country. Crimes are everywhere, it could happen to anyone and anywhere.
Back in SG, while parking my car at Cassia Avenue, a car park near my workplace during lunch time, I saw this chinese guy smashing a mercedes car window and stealing a laptop inside the car, and getting away on his motorcycle. The car alarm went off, and the security guard came. I told him what happened, and he said "Itu orang taruk barang dalam kereta, mestilah itu perompak nampak, mahu ambik". I smiled at him, seeing his wisdom through the incident, which is true of course.
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