Friday, September 30, 2005

Brunei STPRI hysteria story.

3X says "While surfing the net about Brunei, I chance upon this piece of story about school children who kena rasuk in the school STPRI, Sekolah Tinggi Perempuan Raja Isteri. Some students were playing 'spirit games' menggunakan duit syiling. 'Spirit' yang di panggil tadi khabarnya begitu marah kerana tidak di beri makan dan kemudian tidak di hantar balik kembali ke dunia dia lalu dari situ berlakulah peristiwa kerasukan pelajar-pelajar sekolah itu malahan guru-guru juga terlibat sehingga merebak ke sekolah-sekolah lain di seluruh brunei.

Anyway, after surfing deeper, I found and downloaded a video with regards to this. In the video the Sultan of Brunei was conducting a tour of the abovementioned school, and 4 girls got 'possessed' in front of him. The video is about 12 minutes and it showed the hysterical girl and a bomoh, and all the teachers and the sultan gathering around her. The girl said it wanted human blood to feed and she will call her 'friends' to join her.... quite eerie.

So if you like to view it, I can make a make a small video here if you guys want to see it".

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