Saturday, September 10, 2005

Juliana's First Computer

Juliana says "Hari ni Abah kasi kita my first computer. Seronok betul. Kita kat sekolah ada belajar pakai komputer - kita belajar surf Internet, dan pakai Microsoft Word. Computer kita abah installkan Nickelodean Jigsaw, ada Spongebob, Jimmy Neutron... best lah. Computers is FUN!"

3X says "Actually I was making an experiment. I gave them a computer, and see if they do know how to use it. To my surprise... they do know how to use the mouse and click/drag. At first I told Iman and Nadhirah to stay away from the PC, thinking they still too young to be PC literate. But I was surprise that Iman (who have no formal training with PC before), be able to operate the mouse and play the jigsaw game better than Juliana. Maybe there still hope for this boy, he could be more technically inclined rather than academically. Anyway now both of them are hooked to the PC, and seeing Iman more receptive to the monitor screen than our shoutings, we could use this to make him a little bit 'smarter'.

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