Ok got to catch "Superman Returns" at movies with the kids over the weekends, and like Star Wars, I am also a big fan of the series. Here's a little history lesson about Superman.

The first actor to don the red cape is Kirk Alyn in 1948. And the first villain he had to fight was the Spider Lady. I wasn't even born yet when this TV serial was shown, but I guess during that 40s I don't think there's much special effects to see.Then in 1951, another Superman serials were made, "The Adventure of Superman" and it starred George Reeves. This one looks like an overweight superhero. The series ran for six years, and it had our hero fight mostly gangsters and sea-monsters.

1978 Movie, Christopher Reeve and Margot Kidder. Now this one of course is what people (like me) remembers how Superman is suppose to be. I love this movie and the sequels following that. Christopher Reeve is the perfect actor to play him. Isn't it ironic, the man who played the strongest man on earth, died a paralysed man.

1993 TV Series Lois and Clark, starring Dean Cain and Teri Hatchet. This series is what makes Teri Hatchet the desire of every man (including me). Not a bad show with a good looking guy and a babe. Then in 2001 Smallville came to TV another potrayal of the man, but during his teenage years. But to me Smallville is very confusing, first of all, his love is not Lois Lane, but Lana Lane, and Lex Luthor is his best friend, and a good guy too... whats up?

Which brings us to 2006, Superman Returns, now starring Brandon Routh. This is actually a sequel and prequel at the same time. Its the sequel to part 2 where after revealing himself to Lois Lane, he made love to her and left the world. So in this one, he returns to earth after going "don't know where" for 5 years, and discovered Lois Lane has a family already, with a son. And here's the twist,
her son is also his son (sorry for spoiler), and I was hoping the small boy to fly with his father. Anyway it is such a joke that no one can see that Clark Kent is Superman, if it so easy to disguise, I could rob a bank and then wear specs and no one would know its me...hahaha.
Anyway Superman is what every boy wants to be when he grows up. After the show, my boy Iman was also smitten by this superhero, and he will remember the man of steel like I did when I watched it the first time.
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