sigh... sigh... sigh... finally the Germans have run out of luck. What to do.. what to do... Though they changed their style to more attacking football, somehow its not enough. Blame on Fabio Grosso, or the defender who suppose to mark him, how come he got space to shoot... sigh... I feel for all Germans, to lose in homegrown is worst then if you lose in a different country, because you have to face your countrymen on the field itself. Well soccer is 1% skill and 99% luck... what to do...

Brazil were the biggest disappointment of the tournament. They were more a
collection of individuals rather than a team...and even the individuals failed to fire. Its good that Juninho asked all his teamates above 30 to step down to renew the team. Dunno wat the @#$* brazil was doing. I see also pai seh they way they play, 2 shots on goal in 90 mins. I think our family soccer team got more power. But how come
nobody mark Henry, how come he's alone infront of goal unchallenged? Nevertheless... It is sad to see them go home... after so many world cup finals with Brazil, this finale will be different.
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