Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Juliana Report Card

Click Here to view Juliana Report Card

my boat3X says"Wah nampak report card si Juliana, teringat masa kecik-kecik dulu. You all nak tahu, kecik-kecik dulu I used to "liquid paper" my report book, pasal banyak sangat merah. So takut kena marah dengan bapak, I blanko the red, write back in blue. Dah lepas bapak sign, I blanko balik original red marks. Secondary 1 sampai 2 ok, markah semua bagus-bagus, tapi lepas Sec 3 and 4, dah start main-main. Even though I express science stream class 4.1 (kira class paling champion, gua sorang aje melayu) tapi gaul dengan budak-budak normal stream. Cabut classlah, pergi gaduh kat atas bukit, tangkap stoinglah... siapa yang sekolah Chai Chee Secondary School, tahulah tu kat belakang sekolah tu ada bukit, famous for gang-clash. Lepas tu sekolah Singapore Technical Institute, main-main lagi. Exam dan test asyik hand-in blank paper aje, stylelah konon. Bila dah start malas nak belajar tu, haii... otak cramp tak boleh take it... agaknya puberty kicking in.

I found my true calling bila buat my diploma in computer studies after my NS. I actually start to enjoy studying, and I really want to pass exams, no more blank papers... hehehe. Eventually passing exams becomes very addictive, because its sooo satisfying. Then a few years later, after getting married, gatal lagi... took my advance diploma... susah nak mampus, banyak pakai memory dan reasoning power, didn't really enjoyed it but eventually completed it also.

I thought I had enough of the "paper-chase" already, then a few years later I got another calling. Actually it all started when a friend of mine laughed at me when I said I want to take a degree course. Yes from a laughter, it become my motivation to do it. And I did it! Sign up for the course, and never look back. Every exams feel so nerve wrecking feel like want to die. It was crazy, during the 2 year course I didn't even know what I am studying at all, I hated the subjects and I hated the exams, the tests and the projects. Numerous times I was thinking "what the f%k did I get myself into?" but what kept me going was Juliana, Iman and Nadhirah's face. I had to do it, I need to tell them when they're older, that I did it for them.

Alhamdullilah I completed the computing Degree studies, with Honours (3rd Class) tau, don't play-play... hehehe. Dah beranak penak baru nak belajar, sampai kena neglect family, terperuk dalam bilik. Buat thesis 15K words, macam nak pengsan. Teringat 3 years ago time belajar, orang semua jalan hari-raya, gua tengah ambik exam. Alhamdullilah, berkat anak-anak dan doa sebelum ambik exam, pass jugak akhirnya. Ni sekarang ingat nak ambik Masters tapi financial cannot make it... doakan one day can become a reality."

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