Thursday, May 19, 2005

Star Wars - Anakin aka Darth Vader

my boat3X says "Oh Anakin, I feel for you dude! I mean if I have to save my wife, I would have join the Dark side too. He got screwed by Jedi and Sith. Both wants him destroy the other side, all because his Midi-chlorian (Force) is very high - means powerfullah. I mean, if I were him, I will get stressed too, so much pressure. When he was still a boy, the Jedi took him away from his mother, and on top of that make him join the dangerous pod race. Then his master jedi always scold him, where can tahan. Then he get dream his mother die, then his mother kena kidnapped by sand people and then really die. Then he got dream his wife will die and she pregnant somemore, of course he scared mah, will become father and then wife die somemore, kanchong loh. The Emperor (aka Sith lord) tell him he can save his wife if he join the dark side. So what to do, scared wife die, join the dark side loh, become Darth Vader, kill all the Jedi and become emperor's apprentice. After do all that, end up wife still die, on top of that hand and legs kena potong by obiwan, then as if that's not teruk enough, kena burnt alive by the lava... oh man! you are so damned swuey. So whole life must wear bucket (baldi) on the head. Got 2 children, both wants to kill him, but nevermind, at last he save his son.

So go watch this beautiful movie, as for me I think I going again after work... hehehe"

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