Monday, August 06, 2007

Dusty the cat

Dusty is a 4 year old male cat we adopted from the SPCA. He has been sterilised, vacinated, dewormed and even a microchip embedded to his skin.

Ok most of you have probably thought by now :
"How did we end up adopting a cat?"

This all started several weeks ago. It was around midnight and there was a mewing of a small cat at the door, which sounded like cry for help. I peek out the door, and saw this little kitten frightened. We're not sure who had dumped that kitten on our 12th floor. I opened the door and took the kitten inside the house, for fear that an irritated person would throw him out the corridor.

Anyway, we fed him with cat food (the wifey always kept cat food apparently), and it was really hungry and kept asking for more. We then decided to put it in a box and leave it downstairs. We were hoping someone would take pity and adopt him. The next morning, the kitten and the box was no more. I was really feeling kind of guilty and sad because a "baby" came to us for help, and we leave it outside without any protection.

This was when I started reading constantly about cats and strays. My interests in cats grew and while researching more about cats, I came to SPCA website, and read that if you give them a stray, they will put it to sleep within 24 hours. (read it here : )

"Any animal given up to the SPCA may be put to sleep in 24 hours
If you cannot accept that this animal may be put to sleep within 24 hours from now, please find an alternative instead of giving it up to us."- from the SPCA website

Anyway we headed to SPCA to have a "look-see". I didn't have much experienced with cats, unlike the wifey who grew up with cats literally. Anyway in the cat's shelter, there were about 10 cats living in there. Most of the cats were either sleeping or ignoring us. Dusty came to us immediately when we walk in, as if he chosen to be with us, and I straightaway wanted him.

The wifey and the kids wanted a small kitten instead. Of course the little kittens looked very cute, always playing and full of energy, but I wasn't too enthusiastic about them. They were too playful, and 1 one of the them likes to scratch a lot, but the wifey likes it and wanted to adopt that one. After speaking with the care-takers there, we told them we wanted to chose that little kitten, but she advice us against it instead, because the kitten likes to scratch people.

Immediately I turn my attention back to Dusty, I really wanted him, as I believe he chose us. We then told the care-taker, named G, that we wanted Dusty instead, and she said that Dusty likes to be alone, and doesn't like people that much. We were quite surprised, because we told her, he came to us and stayed by our side, while we were in the shelter. She said she was glad to hear that, and said he must really liked us.

So then we sign the adoption papers, and then got counselled by the care-takers there about the responsibilities, commitments and tips of keeping a cat. (Adoption is free by the way, but the $50 is for the sterlisation, vaccination, dewormed and microchip). Yes Dusty has a microchip embedded under his skin, and that information is link to me as the owner.

He was put in a cardboard box, he was crying all the way in the car, tears really flowing out from his eyes but he wasn't struggling. Once we reached home, we let him out, and immediately he begin sniffing everything in the house, and hide himself behind the TV cabinet. We went out for dinner and left him in the house alone, to get himself acquainted with the house surrounding. When we got back he was still hiding behind the TV cabinet. Eventually he got out and begin to smell everything in the house, and he also begin rubbing his body with everyone. And the rest is history.

He's toilet litter trained, that means he pees and shits in his litter tray and nowhere else. He's free to roam and climb anywhere in the house, and has been trained to not go to the kitchen nor climb the dinner table. He is really a very well behaved, almost "human" like. And he's very affectionate with the family. Even if we accidentally step on his leg, he just walked away and not fight back. We love him very much, and treat him like as one of our family. If we leave him alone in the house when we go out, nothing gets disturbed by him. The children loves playing with him, running after small ball or playing with his spring toy.

Cats are very clean animals, they dislike being dirty, and constantly clean himself. They very fussy about their eating or shitting area. They just need a bowl of water, dry cat food, scratching posts and litter tray... and lots of human love. We love Dusty.

If you're interested just browse the SPCA website :

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