Friday, October 03, 2008

F1 Singapore

3X says "hmmmm... a sport watching cars go by... yeah sure I don't think I want to sit through it... seriously, just watching cars racing, I see that everyday while driving to or from work. Whats all the fuss? and Singapore is hosting it? When were we interested in F1 racing? hardly any news on our national TV or newspaper. So why spent so much on that sport? We don't even have a national F1 driver. What?... tickets are hundreds and thousands of dollars??? hmmmm... why? I don't get it.

Anyway after all the hype, it finally got to me, and I sat down to watch the race on TV live. Never an F1 fan, I mean on the Discovery Channel, it shows that the real driver of the F1 cars are computers. The brakes, acceleration and corners are all controlled by computers, in short, the cars are remote controlled, so I'm not really sure the role of the man in the driver seat.

Anyway, after watching the start of the race and watching the cars go round and round, I still didn't find it interesting, even when Renault crash didn't raise my eyebrow. Its only when Massa drove away with fuel pipe, then I started getting glued to the screen. Yes! its a human sport after all. Well... well.. well.. it is also proned to human mistakes... I guess that what makes a sport a sport... human errors... like in soccer or any other sports. One single screw up, and the whole team falls apart.

Well, another thing the race in Singapore has taught me... damn, after seeing all those lights, I sure don't feel guilty when I don't switch off my lights at night anymore. (save electricity... yeah sure).

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