Monday, February 28, 2005

Women vs Men drivers

my boatYlo says"Rejoice women drivers of the world!! Let's show the men that we are better drivers than them. It's a fact that we are more careful, less reckless, we follow speed limit, we respect other drivers and most important of all, we respect our cars by not changing gears all the time"

my boatTriplenoise says "ok..ok.. so how about road hogging, take 10 mins to park cars, use rear view mirror to check their make-up, drive so slow on the 1st lane, always wait at the centre of parking lot because lazy to look for other empty parking space...but actually I like women drivers, they always give way and easy to overtake them..hehehe"

my boatJuliana says "Bulan lepas kan kawan-kawan, that time kita orang semua camping kat laut, so nak beli dinner Mak Long tumpang kita sekali pergi Parkway, lepas tu abah drive laju-laju macam naik roller-coaster, Mak Long terpekik-pekau dalam kereta, dia sampai naik serik dan takut nak tumpang kita lagi. Lepas tu malam-malam pukul 1 pagi abah pergi ambik abang Ajan dan abang Faiz dari rumah dia orang, abah bawak kat jalan kecik east coast sekali tak stop kat hump, melayang dia orang makan-minum semua bertrabur...dia orang pun serik nak naik kereta kita lagi."

my boatIman says "tapikan Umi drive pun menyeramkan jugak tau, that timekan balik sentosa nak pergi LauPasat, Mak Ngah dengan Bak Jat tumpang kita, lepas tu umi pergi lane kanan lepas tu dia pergi lane kiri, pasal dia nak masuk ECP tapi salah jalankan dia punya style dah cramp, kereta belakang asyik horn kat dia pasal dia tak tengok kiri-kanan, pakai masuk lane aje."

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