Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Cheap Thrills

3X says "I'm still thinking about last night, and the adrenalin rush from the fright is like syok...what a rush!!! Tomorrow I'm working night shift, so maybe I pass by that place again... feeling scared can become addictive...

Anyway, while we're on this subject, here's a story about my work-place Lasalle college, I have worked there for 10 years, and there's lots of stories by the staffs and especially the security guards. This college use to be a primary school, Tun Sri Lanang, so its really an old building with lots of histories.

One story involves the corridor of the Fine Arts department. Along this corridor, numerous people have heard a young girl playing, especially in the morning. And at night in this building too, a lady is often seen too. Security guards who work the night shift have often seen these "beings", loitering along the third floor.

Recently about a month ago, I was going home late at about 9pm plus, while I was walking towards the car park, a security guard came running with only his shorts. He told me while he was bathing, he saw a lady in the toilet, and he ran out as fast as he could. There was also a lecturer who use the toilet there, and she heard a young girl crying, and it was early morning. For me I still use that toilet even when I work the night shift, because its the one nearest to the car park. For ten years till now, I neither hear nor see anything while using it because most of the time, I'm too tired to think about these things.

I'm not so much as in interested to see these "things", but the feeling or the sensation of feeling scared, that feels kind of "high" (ada faham?)... but pity my wife, what she has to go through while I seek this cheap "thrills"...

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