Tuesday, July 10, 2007

CS1 - Ego

con·tro·ver·sy –noun, plural -sies.
1. a prolonged public dispute, debate, or contention; disputation concerning a matter of opinion.
2. contention, strife, or argument.

So why the meaning of the word? The very mention of the word conjure images of topics that will make you feel uncomfortable or disgust, but it will keep you asking for more. And in any kind of media, it does make interesting reading or viewing... So within this next few days, I'm starting a series of controversial topics/stories for your reading pleasure.
So get ready and have an open mind...

First topic - Ego... to be precise... Egoistic
Why do I associate Ego with controversy?... Simply because none of us would admit they are egoistic. Newsflash - Everyone has an Ego problem. What does it mean to be egoistic? - being centered in or preoccupied with oneself and the gratification of one's own desires... the keyword being "self-centered".

And Man, especially Husbands and Bosses makes the Best Egoist. Yes, he will say "I am always Right because that's the way I am... I AM always Right!"... and the worst part is he says "You also must think that I am Right!"... I see some of you already shaking your head... begging to differ, but wait it gets better....

And he also proclaims "I am better than all of you and I will do no wrong". And even if he knows he is wrong, he rather blames somebody else.. or hell freezes over if he admits to it. Looking at other peoples faults, mistakes and weekness, is what an Egoist does best, because then he can use it to his own advantage and then, takes pleasure at pointing it out to the rest of the world...

Yes I am a Man, and I admit that at times I can be one of the Best Egoist - to my wife, my children, my friends or to anyone... but.... I confessed and admitted, yes I have an ego. I lost count the number of mistakes I wouldn't admit in any dispute.

But a true Egoist, will never admit that they have a huge Ego...
so think about it... are you an Egoistic person?

So here's the first part of my controversy series... in coming days, there will be more controversial stories or topics - about me, about people or anything in general.
So be afraid, be very afraid....

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